Bottom line: We both own shoes. Does that count? Okay, that's a stretch for meeting Step #3 of Martha's healthy living plan. I'm so far off on this one, I might as well point out that we are both carbon-based life forms. Which we are.
Step #4 is keeping a calender. "An organized calender with every meeting, trip and appointment carefully listed and timed enables me to accomplish a lot each day." (page 19, January MSL)
I own calenders and planners. In fact, I used to be very diligent in writing things down in a planner. I lived and died by my planner. And then...I had my little guy. His birth was the one thing I really couldn't plan or schedule, and since then, writing down appointments, notes, occasions, etc. happens only on tiny peices of scratch paper. It's a miracle if they don't get lost and actually serve their purpose. Sigh.
Anyways, back to planners. The one below was a gift from my friend Ellyn, and I have every intention of filling it with important information, birthdays, appointments...just as soon as I remember when they are. Until that happens, let's just gaze at the lovely planner.
Bottom line: I think the calender idea is wonderful. The level of planning and organization that goes into making Martha's calender (scheduling everything, including directions for her drivers, taking a list of alternate activities in the event of free time on a business trip, etc.) is extremely appealing to me, and reminds me that once upon a time, I was that organized. That extreme attention to detail is the thing that makes Martha so successful and allows her to accomplish so much. And since I want to be more like Martha, I need to get cracka-lackin' with the plannin'.
Now, has anyone seen my planner?
I'll continue with Steps #5-10 on Monday. Stay tuned!
You're so right. It's hard to be organized with kids...the variables are endless!
I need to get my calendar situation in order...I plan to purchase a dry erase calendar for the hallway off the garage. I need to put a bulletin board there, too. Right now I tape invitations and things like that on the inside of a kitchen cabinet. A Martha faux-pas for sure! :)
Walking is over rated!!! Chasing a little one is work out enough.
...actually putting the planner book, calendar & grocery list next to the toliet is the "Martha" way to "Multi-Task"...
on the contrary, DEFINITELY martha-like to look into the cabinet and magic up a dinner out of whatever you happen to find!
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