Sunday, September 27, 2009

Here we go...

This week is madness. Madness, I tell you!

I must admit that it's madness largely of my own making, and I really don't mind it. The Little Guy turns two very soon, and with extremely large families, the Big Guy and I thought it best to divide the parties up. We'll be having three parties over two weekends.

The first party is in one week. There's so much to do that my to-do list spans five pages, along with additional pages of shopping lists.

Thankfully, we completed almost everything on time last week. The Big Boy room is largely done, and the Little Guy is really enjoying it. He even tried to sleep in the Big Boy bed on the first night! Naturally, the whole event was so exciting that he couldn't fall asleep, so he went back to the crib.
Time to get started on that to-do list for today!

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