Monday, January 31, 2011

Manda Monday--So far

While I consider myself to be an organizational pro, work, family and life in general conspired against me and my house turned into a disorganized disaster at the end of 2010.  But like most people, I resolved to get organized in January...and thanks to you I got quite a bit done. 

I cleaned out and rearranged cabinets and drawers in my kitchen.

It took several days, but I finally got my clothes closet under control.

My laundry room wasn't as bad as my closet, but it needed improvement. 

And I finally started scrapbooking!  As my facebook fans know, I finished my first scrapbook on Saturday night.  It's of the Little Guy's first year, and I'm so pleased with how it turned out.  The Little Guy really likes it, too!

Here's the proof of my giant organizational--junk purging extravaganza:  more than 27 boxes of stuff I no longer need/use/wear/want in the basement, all ready to become someone else's treasure at this summer's yard sale.  Or at least a tax write-off if it becomes a donation.   

Anyone who has ever seen my basement knows that I could easily fill up 27 more boxes of stuff, and that's just what I plan to do between now and June.  By this time next year I hope to have a spotless basement, where each storage tote is clearly labelled and on its proper shelf. 

Of course, I have to thank all of you for helping me with this organizational blitz.  While I have long wanted to tackle some of these projects, I never would have taken action if I didn't have this blog and you all to hold me accountable.  Thanks to everyone for reading!

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