Friday, February 5, 2010

Good organization things for kids

Kids come with stuff.  A lot of stuff.  Stuff that can easily get out of control if efforts are not taken to organize it.  Here are some organization solutions (all from Ikea) for kids' stuff that work--really, really work--in the TMI household.

This storage system (Trofast) is strong, durable and built to be played on.  The plastic bins easily slide in and out (you can replace the bins with wooden shelves) and come in a variety of colors. 

Almost all of the Little Guy's toys fit in here, and we've managed to carve out a bin or two for baby toys.  Side note:  I love, love, love my label maker.  It completes me.

This frog prince has been very handy over the past year or so.  It's made for toy storage, but we use it as a diaper caddy.  Diapers in the bottom pocket, wipes in the middle pocket, and all the tiny items (meds, hair brush, etc.) go in the top bin.  Washclothes and lotion/powder are stored in the netted spaces.

Finally, these booksheves are too cute.  We have four in the Little Guy's room (mostly at his height) for book collections. 

Not all of our storage solutions come from Ikea, but when it comes to kids' storage needs, they are at the top of my list.  Good things!

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