Monday, May 31, 2010

Martha Monday--Memories

Are you a crafter? Do you know someone who crafts? I like to think of myself as a crafter--after all, I have an entire room filled with stamps, glue guns, glitter, fancy paper and more--but very little is actually crafted.  I have enough material to make 100 greeting cards, and yet the last one I sent to someone was store bought. 

The Martha in my head is shaking her head at me.  I feel shame.

Anyways, ever since the Little Guy was born, I've had plans...BIG document his childhood in scrapbooks.  I have three scrapbooks ready to go...

...some even have pictures in them...

...and I have embellishments and keepsakes (note the wrist bands from the hospital)...

...and I even have a copy of the time the Little Guy and I appeared in the local paper!

Never mind that it's over a year old.

Fortunately, even though I'm 2.5 years behind schedule, pictures and scrapbook materials don't expire.  And now, with BabyGirl here, I can start collecting girl-themed scrapbook materials. How exciting! 

The Wilton Tent Sale is right around the corner.  Last year, I noticed that they had a TON of Martha Stewart craft supplies.  My plan this year is to lighten up on the baking supply purchases, and hit the craft section really hard.  That way, when I do get around to scrapbooking, I'll have everything I need. 

And then I'll need to actually make those scrapbooks.

Happy Memorial Day, everyone!

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