1. Martha's new book is out (Martha Stewart's Encyclopedia of Crafts)
2. She's coming to Chicago on May 1st to deliver the keynote address at the Merchandise Mart International Antiques Fair.
3. After her address at Merch Mart, she'll head over to the State Street Macy's for a book signing.
4. I made the subtlest of suggestions to those who might be married to me that Martha's new book would make an ideal early Mother's Day gift.

(TMI Note: My wonderful husband received the message loud and clear! Martha Stewart's Encyclopedia of Crafts arrived on my doorstep last week. Marital bliss continues!)
Originally, my plan was to be at Macy's bright and early to see Martha, get my book signed, and exchange some witty comments with my idol. And to do it while wearing stylish yet sensible shoes and not make a fool out of myself.
Now, I have a new plan. A bigger plan. A better plan. Here it is:
The Chicago Tribune is hosting a contest. The grand prize? Two tickets to see Martha deliver her keynote address at the Fair, and then a meeting with Martha afterwards.
Readers, this is it. This is my chance to fulfill my destiny and MEET MARTHA STEWART. My plan? I have to win this contest.
However, this contest is not just a simple "Let's find Martha's biggest fan in Chicagoland" because as we all know, that contest would be over in a second because I am clearly her biggest fan in the Land of Lincoln. No, for this contest, you must submit the Five Things That Prove You Are A Craftaholic to Henrietta @ Home on Facebook. The best list will win.
The contest is two-fold: the second part involves making a project from Martha Stewart's Encyclopedia of Crafts, submitting it to Henrietta @ Home by May 15th, and Martha herself will help pick the winner. The winner of the second part of the contest will recieve an autographed copy of her Cooking School book.

I'm working diligently on my list. I must win this contest! Stay tuned...
To buy Martha's Encyclopedia of Crafts, click here.
To buy her Cooking School book, click here.
To read all about Martha's trip to Chicago, click here.
OMG!! This is such a perfect contest for you... Keep us posted on crafting progress, and we'll keep our fingers crossed for you!!
This is very exciting - can't wait to hear about your progress! You'll win for sure. Also, I'm so glad to hear that marital bliss is not in jeopardy.
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