Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Happy anniversary to me!

This is the two year anniversary of The Martha Initiative. Two years!  It's amazing that I've lasted this long! And even more amazing is that I am just now hitting my stride with posts, topics, pictures and more.

And the most amazing thing of all is that I actually have readers.  Thanks to everyone who stops by this thing on any kind of regular basis.  I'm not sure what you get out of it or where I'm even going with this thing (other than riding an express train to Martha-dom! Woo woo!) but I'm glad you're here!  Thanks so much to everyone who reads and comments--I appreciate you!

I do know what I get out of blogging, though:  I get things done.  Because I need things to write about, I've tackled projects, crafts and recipes that previously I would have only thought about doing.  See the difference?  On my own, I think about things but rarely try them:  Wouldn't it be great to try this recipe?  What if I made my own gift tags? 

With this blog, I actually do those things!  After all, I need to write about something, and writing about my real-life efforts to become a domestic goddess sure beats writing about thinking of becoming a domestic goddess.  And because of that, I've expanded my own horizons and am truly becoming a tiny bit more like Martha each day. 

I started this blog with a to-do list, and I'll celebrate by doing the same thing.

1. Try video blogging.  Would that be vlogging?
2. Change up my posting schedule.
3. Decide against vlogging because the camera adds 10 pounds.
4. Remember that I don't care about my waistline, so vlog anyways.
5. Remind my readers that I adore them!!!!
6. Make millions of dollars so I can hire my own staff of 40 to do everything for me.
7. Be just like Martha Stewart. 

Thanks everyone!  Happy TMI anniversary to all of us!

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