Thursday, December 15, 2011

Handmade at its best!

Little Guy gave me some handmade gifts he had created at preschool.  I am a sucker for this kind of thing and I immediately melted! Take a look:

He even made the gift wrap.  Love it.

It's a sled ornament!

Little Guy also made this penguin ornament, complete with his thumbprints for the penguin's feet.

Finally, there was one last gift that he put a lot of time and effort into...

It's a framed picture, and he decorated the frame. It had magnets on the back so it immediately went on the fridge.  Darling! 

After a ridiculous amount of 'oohing' and 'aahing' over his obvious artistic talents by this impressed Mommy, my Little Guy proudly hung his ornaments on the tree. 

I just love, love, love stuff like this.  These ornaments will be on my Christmas tree for as long as I have one, and after that I demand to be buried with them.  Sniffle.

Thanks so much to my son's preschool teacher, and to all teachers, who help their students make gifts for their parents for Christmas and other special holidays and occasions.  This truly made my day. 


Jean K. Lahm said...

Too cute! Nothing makes mommy's heart melt more!

Amanda Grant said...

I know! This beats jewelry any day. :)

frugalsuz said...

Awwwwww, adorable!!

Anonymous said...

awww. I love this picture of P. He looks so pleased. My mom still has my christmas tree from the 3rd grade. L