Friday, September 10, 2010

Ferns for the bathroom

In the September issue of Whole Living, there's a little snippet on how Boston Ferns are THE plant to have in your bathroom for two reasons:

1. It's one of the top air-purifying plants, making it a great addition to your house, and
2. The high-moisture and low-light conditions of the bathroom are ideal for a fern.

This sounded great to me. I've long wanted plants in both the master bath and the kids' bath, and ferns seemed to fit the bill. I headed out to Lowe's and got two varieties:  Kimberly Queen and Japanese Bird's Nest.

In order to test the hardiness of the plants, I left them in the bags on my kitchen island for two weeks.  Actually, things have just been really busy lately.  I meant to repot them right away, but it just didn't happen. In fact, you might notice that my son is in his pajamas at 2 in the afternoon, and the massive piles of random crap on the dining room buffet.  Like I said, it's been really, really busy here the past few weeks. 

I finally got around to it, and things seemed to work out just fine. The ferns were quite forgiving.
Here's the large Kimberly Queen fern in the kids' bathroom.

And here are the two Japanese Bird's Nest ferns in the master bathroom:

I think they really add something to the space...just like the kids' kitchen set does.

Yeah, that's right...I have a kids' kitchen set in my bathtub.  Sometimes, that's just how we roll here at TMI.  We're all about the classy.

For more ways to green up your bathroom, check out Whole Living

1 comment:

evonne said...

Is that what those are? I bought a couple of those fellows about a year ago because I needed to dress up a window, and they're HUGE now, and gorgeous, and extremely hardy. YAY for well-behaved plants!