Tuesday, December 30, 2008

My Abandonment (and Recovery) of Martha

Last night, I went for a haircut. Not just any cut, but a re-do of my Martha Stewart bob (background: for my 31st birthday, I cut off all my hair to get Martha's current 'do). I took my January 09 copy of Martha Stewart Living to show the new hairdresser what I wanted. The cut looked good and I was on my way home. A call from my hairdresser made me aware of my terrible deed: I HAD LEFT MY COPY OF MSL BEHIND, AND I DIDN'T EVEN NOTICE!

How could I have done that? Already I've abandoned Martha? After all she's done for me?

Needless to say, I turned the car around and hightailed it back to the JC Penney salon, got my magazine, kissed CoverMartha on the lips and promised her that I would never leave her behind again. I bet Martha rarely leaves things behind, and even if she did, one of her staff would simply fetch it for her before Martha ever knew it was missing.

As for my blog to-do list, I am crossing off #2, #3, and I've started on #5.

Monday, December 29, 2008

First things first--a blog to-do list

I'm new to this blogging thing. But if Martha does it (and golly, is she a dedicated blogger!), then I really should give it a try. And how do I start new things? With a list! I love a good to-do list, and I suspect Martha does, too.

My Blog To-do List:

1. Upload a picture.

2. Update the profile.

3. Write witty post #1.

4. Write witty post #2.

5. Subscribe to some blogs I like.

6. Review blog and consider stylistic changes.

7. Look into this Google Adwords business, so I can make millions of dollars and live a wonderfully fabulous and ordered life and have a staff of 40 people to carry out my orders/creative ideas, just like Martha Stewart.
8. Continue with the witty posts.