Monday, November 8, 2010

Martha Monday--Everything Thanksgiving

For me, Halloween is like the beginning of a crazy roller coaster ride where I'm zooming through Thanksgiving and Christmas at 100 miles per hour, screaming hysterically the whole way, until it spits me out on January 2, exhausted and confused about what just happened and where all that time went. 

That said, the best way to survive the crazy holiday roller coaster is to start planning now.  And what's next on the calender?  Thanksgiving. And Veterans Day (thank you, veterans! You are awesome!).  But Thanksgiving means friends, family and a big, dead bird, so some planning now could really help me get in front of such a large holiday before it steamrolls right over me. 

Fortunately, Martha has me, and all of us, covered.  At Everything Thanksgiving, you can sign up for her holiday enewsletter with tips and recipes, get ideas for centerpieces, menu plans and more.

There are 2.5 weeks until Thanksgiving.  Start your turkey thermometers now!

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