Wednesday, May 13, 2009

More bathroom organization

After the first stage of bathroom organizing, I decided I needed more storage totes to corral supplies and get more of my 'stuff' out of the bathroom linen closet. Here's where I'm at now:

I haven't labeled anything yet, as I want a few more days to make sure this new system works. Two thumbs up for the small storage totes--they are big enough for most items and stack well, and I feel like I have space to spare.

The storage containers were 30% off at Target: $5.58 per set of 4, $16.74 total.

Hubby's cabinet area also received some attention. Here's his under-the-sink cabinet before:

And here it is after. He doesn't have much 'stuff,' so all I did was to put his Listerine (all 19 bottles) and our assorted vitamins in 15 quart see-through containers. His other toiletries are simply stored in the open baskets.

The three totes cost $12.00.

Tomorrow, I'm tackling the linen closet in our bathroom. Naturally, it's more 'stuff' than linens (12 sets of shampoo and conditioner at last count) but moving some things under the sink had to have helped. Right?


Chicagolandia said...

I love how neat and tidy everything is! You are definitely the domestic diva.

Noel said...

This isn't very "Martha." She would cringe at those plastic bins.

It seems like you really love to buy organizational items. I hope you have a Container Store nearby.

Sarah Eliza @ devastateboredom said...

I disagree, Martha would completely approve. Organization is KEY. Indubitably!

Amanda Grant said...

Actually, Noel, Martha does advocate plastic storage container. Scroll down my blog to this week's "Martha Monday!" and you'll see both the picture and the link to the section of where she favors the plastic bins as a way to store extra supplies in the bathroom.

Thanks for reading!

Noel said...

Yes, Martha uses storage bins. But they're not hot pink! And they're hidden away in drawers.

Amanda Grant said...

Noel, How do you know Martha's storage bins are not hot pink? Do you work for/with Martha? And if so, could you arrange a meeting--that would be awesome! :)

And, I'm sure that hiding things away in drawers and cabinets is pretty much the same thing.

Plus, I'm fairly certain that Martha would be okay with my system, as long as it is easy to maintain, fits my needs, and keeps the space nice and tidy. So far, my organizational system seems to be doing all that for me.

Happy organizing!